Sunday 1 July 2007

Realization of the Day

British yogurt is so much better than American yogurt.

Sure, we can go to Whole Foods and by the expensive Greek yogurt, but most of us load up on the 10 for $4 deal at the local supermarket and call it a day. There are many more choices for plain yogurt here instead of the high-fructose-corn-syrup-laden nastiness that dwells at the bottom of most American yogurts. Although I've been noticing more and more of the 'good bacteria-filled' yogurts starting to show up in major U.S. grocery stores.

All in all, these yogurts taste like Greek yogurt, which K. and I discovered can be turned into an amazing array of yumminess. Thumbs up for plain yogurt! I bought Yeo Valley's Nonfat Plain Yogurt, which was in the lower to middle price range of the yogurts I saw -- it was great with grape nuts!

1 comment:

Hamford B. Proscuitto said...

oh my god, I'm eating yogurt (kefir, actually) with grapenuts right now. such a great, fiber-filled breakfast!