Thursday 26 April 2007

Of Planes and Tetris

I've heard from the WBL that I'll be flying on British Airways for this summer's trip!! This is awesome since if I had the power to get the tickets myself I would have felt obligated to buy Northwest so I would get more frequent flyer miles. Northwest is great when you're flying to Minnesota, but crap when you're flying to Europe. One movie going, two back (if you're lucky). Crappy food, no perks...except for Minnesota niceness the ENTIRE ride there.

I've already scouted out the perks of British Airways. My own personal movie console!! The jury is still out on whether I get a game console as well (Virgin has one...I spent 9 hours playing tetris last time I flew with them, and my thumbs will never be the same). But still, my happiness is bountiful, especially since I'm a giantess with long legs.

A giantess, I might add, who hates flying. Anything to keep me occupied for the entire trip is a godsend.

Now to find a comfy plane pillow...