Saturday 17 February 2007

Why I'm Here

I guess I should explain myself, now that I've given a few people this address. I'll be spending my summer working at an internship at World's Biggest Library (hereafter W.B.L.). This week I realized that I had never been out of my home state of California for longer than 3 weeks, so the three months away from my husband, my locale, and my peeps will be hard for me; but this is probably the coolest opportunity I've ever been given academically, so I have to take it and run like hell (because W.B.L. will take it away at any minute; I just know it!).

So for the next 6 months I plan to use this blog as a place to post all of my silly questions about living abroad; to talk about the plans that I'm making; and to keep my family and friends informed about what's going on in the wind up to my big move.

After that, this blog will turn into a place wherein I will describe my continuing shock at all things foreign and strange.

So, hello family and friends. Please feel free to leave comments, advice, and questions!


Ancrene Wiseass said...

Prepare yourself for the weirdness of what is possibly the world's most dumbass candy-selling strategy: Yorkie's "Not for Girls" slogan.

More here:

Ancrene Wiseass said...

Uh, that link should be

Anonymous said...

I'll be happy to answer any questions you have (to the best of my ability) as I lived in the U.K. for a bit. I'm trying to remember the appropriate Virginia Woolf quote about London in June, but suffice it to say, it's an amazing experience.

I'm very excited for you!


Anonymous said...

Happy to help in any way. You'll be living close to mu old stomping grounds, and I had a Reader's Pass at WBL.
One hint: Go for a quick visit your first day, just to order the books on the computer system. As I recall, it's a little sticky. Books most likely won't get delivered to your chosen Reading Room from the stacks until the next day. So plan on Day One; Start work on Day Two. Love, Fiddy

Unknown said...

Good heavens, Morgan - is this you?? Of Aud the Deep Minded? I didn't knw you were in the UK for the summer - have a great time! I loved doing research there and at the Bodleian - what kind of stuff will you be doing at WBL??