Tuesday 20 February 2007

Luddite on Board?

Oh people familiar with blogger, lend me thine expertise! I'm using the not-beta blogger and I'd like to set up that whole "I can look and see who looks at my blog" thing. I'd also like to get some kind of aggregator so I can see other bloggers' posts.

Now please, help a poor medievalist move from scroll to codex as it were!


Ancrene Wiseass said...

Maybe try StatCounter.com and BlogLines.com?

I personally like LJ's "add a feed" function better than BlogLines, but I know a fair number of people who love it.

Sharon K. Goetz said...

Does Blogger include a "blog stats" option somewhere in its dashboard? WordPress does, but though I have a Blogger account I haven't delved much.

I love Bloglines. I follow a number of LiveJournal accounts there, too, for things where I don't have (or don't care about) friends-lock access anyway....

Actually, doesn't Blogger include a "blogroll" feature? Does glancing through their "help" section identify it, if it isn't somewhere obvious? I've seen one on several *.blogspot.com blogs.

Sharon K. Goetz said...

I see that Blogger's blogroll feature is outsourced. (That's for the kind that appears in the sidebar of your own blog page.)

Sharon K. Goetz said...

Sorry to do this piecemeal--if you want the sidebar kind, then after you've created a blogroll, you'll want to visit the "layout" or "template" area of your blog's options and add it in.

*wanders off*

heu mihi said...

I use StatCounter, and it's nice because you can see where people are coming from. And I'm technologically only semi-competent, but found it easy to set up, so it can't be too hard.