Thursday, 31 July 2008

An Embarrassment of Riches

For the past two days I've walked to the mile to the British Library from my hotel, enjoying the hustle and bustle of London mornings. I watch the locals scurry around the slow-moving tourists and I listen to the buses screech at each stop. I've been incredibly productive here, which is a wonderful feeling since I've been quite the opposite since I moved to Seattle. I'm comfortable in the British Library, which is saying a lot right now. I get there before it opens (9:30am), down a quick espresso, and stand in line to have my bag searched. My manuscripts are waiting for me in the Reading Room and I open my computer and get to work.

Last summer was an embarrassment of riches; there were so many manuscripts to look at I didn't know where to turn. I was so wonderfully overwhelmed that the logical part of my brain turned off and I just basked in how lucky I was. Honestly, I think it was the right move -- part of last summer was about filling life-long dreams for me. Now I'm back with more of a logical eye and I'm transcribing, taking notes, and quickly moving through the tasks that I need to accomplish. It feels good.

I've been seeing lots of friends from the Library, which is lovely to say the least; The Boot, my favorite pub, welcomed me with open arms -- to say nothing of the pint of Guinness and my dinner of a traditional Irish Bacon and Cabbage. I also gotten to catch up with Dr. Virago over Bangladeshi food last night, which was super yummy.

I woke up an hour earlier than usual so I could talk with K. a little longer. I should probably head off for my last full day of research before tonight's orientation with the kiddies.

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