Saturday 4 August 2007

Book Review!

Restless, by William Boyd

This is a pretty interesting World War II spy tale. The story goes back and forth between a daughter and mother's story, the mother's during London in World War II and the daughter's in Oxford during the 1970s. Boyd obviously thought a lot about the mother's portion of the book, especially the cloak-and-dagger intrigue, which always made me excited to return to her part of the story. The daughter's chapters were also fun to read -- D. Phil. student at Oxford with leftist tendencies and friends. The two stories could have segued very well into each other, but at the end, it seemed as though the daughter's story was only an afterthought and I found myself wondering why Boyd had made her an interesting character at all if he wasn't going to tell me what happened to her at the end.

The book definitely kept me reading, but at the end I was a little upset about the lack of closure and abruptness. 3/5: good

In other news, I'm ready to stop feeling like crap. I'd like to go outside again, damn it!

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