Monday 20 August 2007

À bientôt!

I return to you a well-travelled girl! K. and I are just back from our weekend in Paris, and it was amazing. Paris has always been one of those cities you grow up with -- seeing pictures of people sipping coffee at street-side cafes, kissing at the Eiffel Tower, vendors along the banks of the Seine. It's always been so much in my mind, that I wasn't very excited about going there. "It's like New York," I said (and I've never been there either). "You don't have to go there to know what it's like."

I take it all back. Paris is full of street-side cafes and vendors along the Seine, but it's nothing like I imagined it at all. Having never been to the continent before, I don't know if I had the vocabulary before now to even describe Paris correctly. It's so different than London. A lot of London is made of dark-bricked Victorians--add the dark sky and deep-green trees and London can be a dark, dreary place. I'm sure Paris can as well, but most of the 17th century buildings are made of a cream-colored stone that gives the eye a flash of light against the dark cobblestones.

It was lovely, all told. During the next few days I'll be picking out a few moments from the trip to highlight on this blog. K. left this morning, so I'm feeling a little down-and-out (you know, listening to Nina Simone and drinking milky tea). Once my mood bounces back, I'm sure I'll resume my daily posting!


medieval woman said...

I'm glad you had fun! I love it there as well - did you kiss under the Eiffel tower? We did and then saw guys with Uzis walking around in full camo gear (security) - it kinda spoiled the mood....

thebluestocking said...
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