Friday 3 August 2007

Another Year Older and Deeper in Debt

A smile for anyone who can sing along to the song from whence my title comes. I, however, don't owe my soul to the company store but instead to the walk-in NHS Clinic in Soho. I'm so glad that K. (a friend from school) told me about it. But I digress.

I managed to fall asleep at 3am last night after propping myself up with various sweatshirts and travel pillows to avoid getting vertigo since by then I had a pretty awful earache. I amused myself with episodes of Deadwood that my lovely husband sent to me, along with as many pieces of saltwater taffy from Tremblay's that he could fit in the envelope.

The big decision was whether or not to take public transportation this morning. There was no way I was going to brave public transport during rush hour, so off I walked the 1.5 miles to Soho and managed to arrive at the Walk-in Clinic without getting lost once! (There are also private clinics, but they cost around $120 just to see someone, so I was willing to walk the extra mile for a government operated one.)

The clinic itself was clean (and free!!); the nurse practitioner I saw was helpful and thorough; and the end result of my journey was a packet of antibiotics that only cost me $12. I have a throat and middle-ear infection and since I have mitral-valve prolapse, doctors always err on the side of antibiotics for me. I'm still scared I'm going to get vertigo, but I am so very happy that this sordid chapter in my London wanderings may be drawing to a close.

What of my birthday? Well, I plan to spend it in bed with my computer and a book. I may be naughty and throw a bar of chocolate into the mix as well. Tonight my hall-mate is making me homemade sushi, and provided I'm feeling human, we're going to watch Harry Potter!


medieval woman said...

" load 16 tons, and whaddya get?" :)

Happy Birthday - I hope those antibiotics do the trick - that sounds yucky!

Kathy Walker said...

St Peter don't you call me cause I can't go .... ahhh, Tennessee Ernie Ford.