Tuesday 17 July 2007

Take a Little Trip, Take a Little Trip with Me!

I've been meaning to post about my horrors over British potato chips (called 'crisps' here). After speaking with Kevin's mom, I think I would try the prawn crisps. The Indonesian's have a fish cracker called krupuk that is all kinds of tasty. Besides, many of you know of my fondness for dried kuddlefish. (Yes, that's right, I like squid jerky...so does my cat.) And everyone has tried Chicken in a Biscuit crackers, right? (Maybe my mother was the only person to buy them.)

Let's look at the other flavors of potato crisps are available for me to try while I'm here. Who knows, perhaps I'll try one every time I go to the market.

So this seems normal. Others that fall into the normal category: Salt and Vinegar, Salted.

These seem like they might need a little more marketing (but I'd bet that Kevin would try the ketchup one):

FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS GOOD AND HOLY. I'm bringing the Lamb one home for mom! They also come in bacon, marmite, and everyone's favorite, Worcestershire Sauce.


Anonymous said...

They have ketchup chips in Canada. They are delicious!

acronym enthusiast said...


Ancrene Wiseass said...


Seriously, they are so good that I really did have to use the Caps Lock key. It's that urgent.

Ancrene Wiseass said...

Oh, yeah--I forgot: I love Chicken in a Biscuits!

But, if you didn't already know that, you probably could have guessed. ;)

Mari said...

My parents are wholly and entirely addicted to the Lamb & Mint crisps. I have to bring home huge bags every time I go over. :)

hawkwalk said...

Do they have liver and onion flavor? No, I don't want to know.Now I might go for the sweet thai chili crisps!

Dr. Virago said...

Yes, the sweet Thai chili crisps are the best of the bunch.

Btw, they've changed the packaging. The fancy flavored ones used to look all upscale and gourmet. Interesting.

Kathy Walker said...

Where is the apostrophe on those bags?