Tuesday 31 July 2007

Book Review!

The House of Sand and Fog, by Andre Dubus III

I started this book on Sunday afternoon. I went to a local used book store since I had gone through all of my books, perused their cheap table, and came home with four books to tide me over.

Like I said, I started on Sunday afternoon, and by the evening rolled around, I hadn't moved and had read 150 pages. It was completely engrossing. Dubus was able to put the reader in an impossible position: to chose sides in a deeply fraught problem about race, class, and the Bay area.

As you can see by the image, a movie came out a few years back with Ben Kingsley in one of the main roles. I'm sure he would be perfect in this role, and he received an Oscar nod for his role. Jennifer Connelly plays injured souls well (she did a superb job in Reqiuem for a Dream in much the same type of role).

Anyway, this and Donna Tart's Secret History, are my favorite books of the summer thus far. 4.5/5: Shanti!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I don't know if I agree about the Jennifer Connelly role comparisons, but the movie is quite good. Shohreh Aghdashloo and Johnathon Ahdout (later to be Behrooz and his mother on 24!) are especially terrific.