Tuesday 26 June 2007

Organization for Dumb People

The packing has commenced. I'm trying to take a single bag to London, but I think that I might have to pack a duffle as well. I've been saying far too many goodbyes lately, but it's only for three months. I already have three trips scheduled: one for Cambridge, one for Oxford, and one for Paris when K. visits in August. I'll be taking more trips to Oxford, and perhaps some up to the north of England as well, but I haven't scheduled them as yet.

Right now I need to:

1. Get my carry-on packed with goodies (such as junior mints, Trader Joe's licorice bites, and crosswords). My mom would always have a bag full of games and candy when we went on long road trips. I haven't matured that much. Candy is still the best way to make me do something boring. The following things will also make my trip less awful: Season 1 of Deadwood, Tawni O'Dell's Back Roads (a book about Western Pennsylvania). Any other book recommendations are encouraged.

2. I still need to pack toiletries as well. I'm buying most of my things there, but I am a creature of habit. I like my facial lotion and my face soap, so come hell or high water, they're coming with me. I'm also packing my Philosophy Amazing Grace lotion and my Origins Ginger lotion since they're part of my basic morning routine. I'm going to have to leave my third favorite scent, Stila's Creme Bouquet at home since I don't have a travel-ready bottle of it. No, these things aren't necessary, but smells are important to me. They can give me migraines, bring back intense memories, but they can also make me feel at home and happy.

3. I need to pack my scholarly material as well. A binder with primary sources and a binder with secondary sources should be fine. I also want to take my Moreland and Fleischer so I can review Latin grammar. (Exciting, no?)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Loose lips sink ships too....WWII
Love the art!